JFUploader News

JFU 3.2.5 is released

JFU does now include TFU 3.2.2 with all the new features that comes with it. Also the version for Joomla 3.x is php 7 compatible!
Important: Tested with Joomla 3.7.5.

JFUploader: The best Joomla upload flash component

The JFUploader is the Joomla upload component of the TWG Flash Uploader.

The Joomla Flash Uploader is now JFUploader. The new name was needed because an extension is not allowed to start with Joomla anymore. It also shows that this is not the internal Joomla upload component but a real component with many new features.

You now have the possibility to upload files to your web server the easiest way possible. You simply select the files you want to upload and thats it. No upload HTML form anymore where you have to upload each file individually. You only need Flash 8 or higher installed to use this component.

You can upload files in the backend of Joomla AND you can offer this in the front-end for your users as well. You can create upload profiles and assign them to your Joomla upload users. This gives you the possibility to give e.g. every of your users a different upload directory and/or different rights/functions.

Uploading was never easier!

joomla flash uploader features image Features

TFU and JFU are now compatible with php 7!

New 3.x

  • JFUploader is now available for Joomla 3.x and compatible with php 7!
  • Updated TFU to 3.2.2 with all the new settings.
  • Fully compatible with php 5.4. No strict warnings are shown anymore.
  • Fix: Normalization in master mode does now convert spaces and upper chars also. This was broken because this settings can be set individually when normal dirs are created.
  • Fix: chmod of folders in the master mode where using decimal and not octet. Now octet is used.
  • Fix: The editor button works now again wiht all browsers and uses a Joomla icon for best look.

New 2.17.x

  • Fix: Important. User mappings where reseted if a profile was saved again. Please update the Joomla upload flash JFUploader to get the full power of the user mapping again.
  • Updated TFU to 2.17 with all the new settings.
  • Joomla upload SMTP E-Mail settings can now be used to send e-mails.
  • Better e-mail vadidation in the administration

New 2.16.x

  • Works now with Joomla 2.5.x (tested with Joomla 2.5.0, 2.5.1, 2.5.7) - you need at least JFU 2.16 (!!) for Joomla 2.5.x! JFU 2.16 also works fine with Joomla 1.6.x and Joomla 1.7.x
  • Updated TFU to 2.16.
  • All layout parameters are now set directly also at the flash. No layout changes like jumping grids after loading the config anymore.
  • The editor button does now preselect the last upload.
  • The editor button does now preselect the created thumbnail after creating a thumbnail
  • License is not updated from the database anymore if a license does already exist.

New 2.15.x:

  • TFU 2.15 is included.
  • Master mode for user groups.
  • Install package for Joomla 1.6/1.7. You don't need to unzip the full package anymore.
  • Support for IDN-Domains
  • The new parameters from TFU 2.15 are added.
  • Version for Joomla 1.6/1.7 is available
  • JFUploader editor button was reworked and extended. See here.

New 2.11:

  • The Joomla Flash Uploader is now JFUploader. The new name was needed because an extension is not allowed to start with Joomla anymore. It also shows that this is not the internal Joomla upload component but a real component with many new features.


  • All the features of the TWG Flash uploader described here. The main version number of Joomla matches the TFU version number!
  • Full integration in the Joomla backend = easy configuration for everyone.
  • JFU administration is available in English, German and partly in Japanese
  • Use the Flash Uploader in the backend.
  • Use the component to add the Flash Uploader into the front-end pages of your site.
  • You can create profiles and assign them to joomla upload users.
  • You can create profile groups - this makes it possible to use different profiles on the same page depending on the user that is logged in.
  • Mambot/plugin - you can integrate the Flash Uploader into any of your sites + use the Javascript callbacks if you register JFU.
  • You can keep your settings (db tables) when uninstalling/reinstalling JFU
  • Master profiles: Automatically create sub folders for each user.
  • Support for image magick in the administration with installation check
  • SEF support for Joomla 1.5
  • Permissions of the tfu_files can be changed in the backend (Limits page). This is a problem of servers with bad umasks.
  • You can set the permissions of new created directories and files
  • Flash can now be included with and without Javascript. There are some other components around that make including the Flash with JS a problem.
  • JFU backend group restriction. You can select which backend user group can access the upload and the config.
  • Video tutorials are available -> here
  • New user tab - completely improved handling of the users. Includes nice drag drop lists and filters (Joomla 1.5.x)
  • Filter on the user page for faster and easier handling of the users (Joomla 1.5.x)
  • 'Add users' section is now on the top for better handling (Joomla 1.5.x)
  • Post processing plugins are available
  • php.ini in tfu folder is saved at uninstall and restored after install.
  • .htaccess in tfu folder is saved at uninstall and restored after install.
  • JFU 2.10.4: It's now possible to define a profile for each or the 3 backend roles of Joomla (Joomla 1.5.x)
  • JFU 2.10.5: The Joomla upload session is now refreshed during a long upload - so users are not logged out after a long upload - reg. version only because it needs Javascript callbacks (Joomla 1.5.x)

joomla file upload additional features Additional features of the registered version

  • No 3 MB upload limit.
  • Download of files
  • View, create and edit of text files
  • Javascript events after the upload is finished and when selecting a file
  • Title and some text labels can be changed by configuration.
  • Hide file extensions on the server view.
  • Limit the number of files that can be uploaded to a directory of the server.
  • New 2.14: A quota for directories can be set.
  • Professional license and above:
    • Description mode .
    • The colors of the flash can be configured.
    • Copy/move files and move folders
    • Custom http error messages can be set. You have to add your custom messages to the language file. Check the howto if you want to do this.
    • Completely anonymous flash: The ? can be turned off
    • New 2.10: Reading of html form fields.
    • New 2.11: Big progress bar. Go here for additional progress bars.

joomla file upload requirements image Requirements

Browser: Flash 8,9 or 10 plugin
Web Server: Joomla 1.0.x - php > 4.x. GD lib > 2.0 if you want to use the resize and preview feature!

Tested versions: 1.0.7 - 1.0.13, 1.5.1 - 1.5.x, 1.6.1-1.6.x, 1.7.x, 2.5.x, 3.x

I recommend having a webspace with safemode = off!

joomla flash license License

Please note that 2 licenses affect this software bundle. The JFUploader is bridge between Joomla and the TWG Flash Uploader. Therefore all parts that belong to the Joomla integration are distributed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. The TWG Flash Uploader Flash itself is distributed under the TWG Flash Upload Freeware License Agreement. Please see license.txt in the download for details.

From the Joomla Webpage
A bridge links Joomla! to an external application (the TWG Flash Uploader) so that they can exchange data and cooperate. On the Joomla! side of the bridge, the bridge is treated just like a component, module, or plugin; it must comply with the GPL unless it is a separate work (and some bridges might indeed be separate works). If the external application is separate enough from Joomla! that it is a separate work under copyright law, it may be licensed under whatever license the holder of its copyright sees fit.
