It would be beneficial if there were 'TWG Variables' or similar that could be entered into the albumr.txt and albuml.txt files. These variables could be something like '[Album_Name]'. When a user types [Album_Name] into the albumr.txt or albuml.txt files, TWG reads this and replaces [Album_Name] with the album name specified by the foldername.txt file.
A list of the variables I thought of:
Album Name - from foldername.txt
Album Description - from folder.txt
Link to Album
Photo Count - similar to what is displayed when no albumr/l.txt is used
I attempted to implement this myself, but so far have been unable to find in the code where the folder.txt and foldername.txt files are read, as well as where the link and count are generated.
Also, the ability for TWG to automatically choose formatting based on whether the file is left or right. What I mean by this can be seen
here. In this file, I made up variables for the name/description (these would be replaced by my above idea). The script determines whether the filename is albumr.txt or albuml.txt, and outputs the appropriate formatting. This may not be able to be implemented because it is dependent upon the formatting that the user wants.