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 Post subject: TWG 1.8.8 is available.
PostPosted: 15. Mar 2012, 01:25 
Site Admin
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Joined: 1. Aug 2005, 12:53
Posts: 11232

My current build of TWG 1.8.8 is available.

Important!! Most of the css files have moved to the new css folder!

This is the new stuff so far:

New: Bookmarkable/reloadable urls are now available even with ajax and flash navigation. The image number is now added to the url with a hash.
New: Request and size optimization. See ! Up to 42% less requests! 55% less bytes to transfer. Page speed score enhanced from 49/100 to 95/100!
New: css files moved to the css folder and minimized
New: css files are now combined into one and stored in the cache folder.
New: Album tree uses now sprites -> 15 images less are used
New: optimized .htaccess file for caching and zip of resources.
New: Added some container on the topx page to allow better styling.
New: improved mobile support.
New: TFU updated from version 2.15 to 2.16
New: New icon for the private folders. If you like the old style -> the old image is still in the buttons folder. The image is from Thanks for providing this for free even for commercial. Another backlink is also on the credits page of TWG!
New: Support for the alphacanel of 24 bit private.png
New: Support for the alphacanel of 24 bit watermarks - they look way better now ;).
Security Fix: At the i_optionen.php all parameters where checked but after a detection of an XXS attack the script was not stopped like in the index.php. I have added this there too and now the Attacker gets a message displayed.
Security Fix: If you are logged in in the administration you could submit forms/requests that where the input was not checked. Now it is done like in the gallery itself. This is a minor issue because if you have access to the TWG administration you can use the TWGExplorer to do anything anyway...
Fix: Fixed the reading of external images when the listing is not allowed but a external file is used.
Fix: Fixed the reading of GPS data. Is now tested with IPhone and Samsung Galaxy S2 images as well.
Fix: Error message when size in cache could not be determind fixed.
Fix: Encoding of special chars when entering foldername.txt and folder.txt in the front end was done too often. Now is is displayed fine.
Fix: Whole album path was shown as default for the foldername.txt. Now only the current directory is shown.
Fix: On the thumbnail page the pager was hidden. Now it is shown fine again.
Fix: On the thumbnail page with folders too many thumbs where shown. There is no optimal solution because the number of thumbs differ then from page to page. So I choose the solution which shown the most images.
Fix: Special chars where not displayed properly in the title bar of the browser on the thumbnail page. now they are utf8 encoded.

Use the provided .htaccess after you are done with the setup if you run an apache server!

PLEASE NOTE: This version is now feature complete. I'll now prepare the website and then I release it.

Get it here:

Have fun using TWG,

PostPosted: 2. May 2012, 10:29 

Joined: 11. Jun 2009, 09:02
Posts: 81
Hi Michael,

Thanks for your efforts, it is amazing thing to let us to enjoy the new version with enhanced features.

Unfortunately I got an issue on photo voting/rating function after upgraded to version 1.8.8. It is no selection shown in the mouse curser when I point in 5 star area,
I've tried in different web browser but it still doesn't work, it only works when I use in mobile device to browse my photo gallery. Do you know why?

Please take a look of my current settings in config.php and hopefully to get your opinion.

$show_image_rating = true;
$show_rating_security_image=false; (I tried this in True mode but still not working)
$enable_rating_only_registered = false;

Thank you for your kindly attention and assistance.


PostPosted: 2. May 2012, 23:50 
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Joined: 1. Aug 2005, 12:53
Posts: 11232
I found the problem. The optimisation of the css was also removing all spaces which was not working for the rating.
I have changed this now.

Please download the version again.

Best, Michael

PostPosted: 3. May 2012, 04:46 

Joined: 11. Jun 2009, 09:02
Posts: 81
Hi Michael,

Thank you so much for your quick response for the issue, may I know where the shortcut to update my photo gallery just for a part of optimisation of the css updates?
I don't want to start over again for the gallery version migration, so can you tech me how to do that? :oops:

Thank you.


PostPosted: 3. May 2012, 12:30 
Site Admin
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Joined: 1. Aug 2005, 12:53
Posts: 11232
Update the inc folder or use the patch.

- Michael

PostPosted: 3. May 2012, 13:32 

Joined: 11. Jun 2009, 09:02
Posts: 81
I have updated my photo gallery and working normally. Thank you Michael. :wink:

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