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 Post subject: TWG 1.8.5 is available
PostPosted: 30. Mar 2011, 23:12 
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Joined: 1. Aug 2005, 12:53
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I hve already started with TWG 1.8.5 and one of the main features is that folder.txt and foldername.txt can be edited in the front end.
I have implemented this already and the reason why this is available is that new translations are needed as well.
Additionally some small fixes are included.
So if you can help with the translation or want to use this new feature you can already use 1.8.5.

This is what is new/fixed:

New: Frontend edit of folder.txt and foldername.txt - the "caption" menu link has changed to "Edit".
New: SEO optimizations: noindex, nofollow are now at all rotation links and the topx link because there it is not needed at all!
New: SEO optimizations: Unique meta titles and descriptions are generated.
New: Support of canonical URLs. Only twg_album and twg_image are the parameters that identifies a detail page of TWG. On all pages that have additional parameters a canonical url is added in the header so that google does not treat them as duplicate content anymore. See: ... wer=139066
New: If you set $enable_comments_only_registered then only backend useres or the user itself can delete a comment. before users that could edit comments can delete. Now fronend access is only needed.
New: TFU was updated to 2.14.3. Create of files is now supported!
New: $image_factor - this is the factor of the images used for the iframes of the slideshow. If you have smaller images you can redurce this value and still have the full display. This should be used if you want to integrate TWG into a very small we page.
New: new style: twg_menu_border - the padding to the images are set there. $hide_overview_image_border can be used to turn the border off.
New: You can now use a private.png in the pictures folder. If you have protected the whole gallery then this image is shown over the whole gallery but below the login window. So you can protect your gallery with a nice image.
New: Support for mms streams. Works like the http sreams. Simply use mms:// instead http://
New: A log is now written if someone logs into a passowrd protected gallery in the normal password mode.
New: Updated jquery from 1.4.1 to 1.6.1 - and it is now always available under $j. So you can use it anytime for your own extensions.
New: Internal setting in config_internal.php : $iptc_encoding - if you have utf-8 iptc tags you can use $iptc_encoding = 'utf-8'; here. Otherwise all entries are utf-8 encoded.
New: Internal setting in config_internal.php : $print_memory_usage - shows the memory when a image is created. before this was competely internal but now it can also be used to look for bootlenecks during image generation!
Fix: Swipe is now only available on the fullscreen because otherwise it disables also the moving inside the gallery on the pages before.
Fix: The icon settings for mobile mode where overwritten by local configs. Now this settings are set is after reading this files.
Fix: $video_player == "AUTO" was not working for FLV's if $video_flash_site was set. Now this should work with both combinations.
Fix: On the thumbnail page the lighbox was not working properly on FLV folders because the base dir was calculated differently.
Fix: Small encoding fix for flash videos and integrated swfs
Fix: BCC code was not linking to the image anymore. Because of a refactorying this was broken. Now it works again.
Fix: checkXSS was improved. A / after index.php directly is already an error!
Fix: php include and skip thumbnails was not working because the install_dir had to be added earlier. Not it is added at the right time.
Fix: folder2.png was not in the exclude list for pngs which are not shown in a folder.
Fix: <br> in the title and comments are not directly allowed anymore. You can now simply use returns in the input fields.
Fix: $video_flv_stretching for FLVs was only used for the 1st played image and not anymore when the video was exchanged automatically. Now the variable is used there as well.
Fix: dynamic backround and a global private.txt cause that the login box was shown after the 2nd request but not the first. Now it is shown directly!
Fix: hidden files where not processed propery by the TWGExplorer
Fix: I removed the hidden files pattern because it does not match with the TFU hidden file settings. Now hidden files in TWGExploter and TFU re the same: files starting with . In TFU you have more filter possibilities. Check the tfu_config.php
Fix: I fixed some small layout stuff for IE9! If you still have display problems with ie9 - please let me know.
Fix: Display of the title in the window was imporoved. For images with no caption no title was shown in the header. This leads to duplicates in search engines - now the image name is printed there.
Fix: recusive folder image does now support spaces in the dir and file names.
Fix: The search was displaying the TOPX - now the search is shown again.
Fix: The opacity is removed after a fade. IE has display errors on black.
Fix: $fix_ie_fade added. IE does not handle black properly during fading. 99% of the time this does not matter because you don't see this. But if you have black images and you see white dots you can set this to true to replace black. If you still see white dots you have to set $image_page_fade=1

You can download this version at:
Patch: ... .8.5-patch

I'll update the website and then this version will be officially released.

Have fun using TWG,

Have fun using TWG/JFU/TFU/WFU,

PostPosted: 17. May 2011, 10:56 

Joined: 17. May 2011, 10:35
Posts: 1
Hi there :)
I'm using TWG 1.8.3 with a little customisations made my me (for istance, I couldn't find how to change the behaviour when clicking a picture -opens a new page-, so I commented out the Jquery library -cause I used it in all pages of my site- and modified to show Fancybox when clicking on the image -it's a enhanced lightbox script based on jquery, so it doesn't conflict -the original lightbox was based on prototype, so I managed to remove the jQuery.noconflict in another page-).
How the new release will affect that?

I'd like a ultra-simplified version with only the possibility to comment, show stats and vote, no admin panel (only the cache generation perhaps), enabling users to customize their TWG installation through some files (css or php), the admin panel confused me :-D
If I had a tinier release I could fix my issues in less time :D

For information, my installation is live on #removed_broken_link


PostPosted: 17. May 2011, 11:22 
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there are around 5 options how an image can be openend when you click on it. Simply configure it.
And by default Lytebox is used. So there is no prototype by default.
The new release should not affect that. I don't remember any change with the lytebox.

And there is no need to use the admin panel. All settings are stored in files which can be edited with any texteditor.
And users are able to customizes their folders through txt, css and php files. Just see the summary howto.


PostPosted: 2. Jun 2011, 18:21 

Joined: 11. Jun 2009, 09:02
Posts: 81
Hello Michael,

I just want to know the album ordering can be improved in this version? I always stuck with album ordering problem every time when I set the album folder by descending order, it will modify my album folder date without reason and I don't when to trigger. As result, it will followed by modified date to sorting my album folders (it suppose to be followed by photo EXIF date instead of folder modified date). :roll:

Please help to take this in one of your consideration item for improvement on this function.

Thank you.


PostPosted: 2. Jun 2011, 18:59 
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The date of a folder is set by the operating system and most of the time updated when you modify something inside this directory. So this is actually not an issue of TWG itself.
If you want constant ordering you have to e.g add the date to the album name and either strip characters when displaying or use a foldername.txt (in 1.8.5 this can be set in the frontend).

- Michael

PostPosted: 7. Jun 2011, 05:32 

Joined: 11. Jun 2009, 09:02
Posts: 81
Yes Michael, I did that to create the folder name by e.g 20110607_XXX format but it doesn't work once the folder date have changed by itself. Can you guide me how to do that?

As I said I have no idea why would changed automatically. However, I was thinking the only way to change the date what if when user adding their comments in album will be triggered, is it possible?! Of course I never make it change once put it to share with my audiences.

So I think the best way to prevent the sorting order in uncontrollable situation is TWG can refer to EXIF date instead of folder modified date for album ordering.

Thanks for your consideration.

PostPosted: 7. Jun 2011, 07:41 
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Exif date has nothing to do with the album date.
If something in your folder changed the OS updates the folder date.

So use the prefix like you wrote and then don't sort by date but simply by file name.

- Michael

PostPosted: 7. Jun 2011, 10:45 

Joined: 11. Jun 2009, 09:02
Posts: 81
Hi Michael, please be patience I just want to make it clear before that as you know this is a huge of change in my web gallery and i don't want fail again in current 1.8.4 or coming 1.8.5. :roll:

What if I use this 20110607_xxx format to modify my current album folders, you mean "don't sort by date" is album date or image file date?

Sort images ascending = true or false
Sort images by date = true or false
Sort images by file date = true or false
Sort albums = true or false
Sort albums ascending = true or false
Sort albums by date - true or false

PostPosted: 7. Jun 2011, 11:15 
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Joined: 1. Aug 2005, 12:53
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you want to sort albums? Then the image sorting does not matter at all.

Sort albums ascending = true or false / depending which you want first
Sort albums by date= false; // because you have the date in the file name! and ifyou use 20110607_ it is sorted properly.

- Michael

PostPosted: 7. Jun 2011, 15:18 

Joined: 11. Jun 2009, 09:02
Posts: 81
Yes, great! will try on it.

Thank you Michael. :wink:

PostPosted: 9. Apr 2012, 09:47 

Joined: 9. Apr 2012, 09:46
Posts: 1
How you can convert SWF to FLV

This is actually the prevalent problem lots of people encounter. Because the question pointed out above, you will find many online SWF to FLV ripper tools, however the online SWF to FLV ripper tools is not so stable, the disposable SWF to FLV conversion program obtain a quality loss too.

Thus a great SWF to FLV ripper tools is the greatest choice. Higosoft SWF to Video Converter is specifically designed to help individuals convert SWF to FLV. With obvious and user-friendly interface, SWF to FLV ripper tools causes it to be simple to use. SWF ripper tools to FLV guarantees the very best output video quality and fast encoding speed.

3 advice on the SWF Video Ripper tools that you should keep close track of

Tips 1: This SWF to Video Ripper tools enables you to definitely play Expensive video and Expensive games, record the process of methods you play a SWF game, after which convert it to video for uploading to YouTube, Face book, Bebo, etc for discussing.

Tips 2: You are able to import SWF to Home windows Movie Maker and several portable products like The new sony Las vegas, iTunes, QuickTime, PPT, The new sony Las vegas, Premiere Professional, Consequences, ipod device, apple iphone, iPad, Rim, Amazon Kindle Fire, Samsung Universe S II, HTC, Nokia, etc with SWF files Ripper tools.

Tips 3: You are able to personalize SWF files for example add watermark towards the output video, crop the image frame to get rid of undesirable areas and adjust parameters for example Encoder, Resolution, Frame Rate, Bit Rate, Sample Rate, etc.

SWF to FLV ripper tools is a great option to ripper tools SWF to FLV with excellent output video quality inside a couple of minutes, simple to use, obvious software interface, it's worth you to definitely own one.

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