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PostPosted: 18. May 2016, 07:05 

Joined: 10. May 2016, 05:18
Posts: 13

I purchased the Professional version of JFUploader.

I configured the profiles as the following:
1. The users whose last name begin with letter A will upload their file in the folder named GroupA. Joomla Menu is Profile ID 25. In this case, user "aguirre" was created.
2. The staff is configured to be able to browse and download files only (no upload or move files/folders). Joomla Menu is Gruppe ID "GroupA". Move/copy file(s) and Move Folders features are disabled (selected "NO") in Registered section. Everything else works, except that staff is still able to move files/folders within the user's folder.

The issue is that when the staff access to root folder named Group A, there is no option to move folder which is what i wants. However, when the staff clicked folder "aguirre", it allows to move folder and if I click a file, it allows to move file. I don't want the staff able to do any of these moving (see pictures). Please assist.

Also, how do I hide word "Preview" which displays above the Options button?

Thank you,


JFUploader move files-folders greyed out.png
JFUploader move files-folders greyed out.png [ 14.5 KiB | Viewed 30100 times ]
JFUploader disable move files-folders.png
JFUploader disable move files-folders.png [ 27.81 KiB | Viewed 30100 times ]
Profile settings.png
Profile settings.png [ 7.82 KiB | Viewed 30100 times ]
PostPosted: 18. May 2016, 07:29 

Joined: 10. May 2016, 05:18
Posts: 13
I uploaded one more picture which show move folder and move/cop file(s) options are allowed from within the user aguirre's folder.

JFUploader move files-folders not greyed out.png
JFUploader move files-folders not greyed out.png [ 13.58 KiB | Viewed 30096 times ]
PostPosted: 18. May 2016, 22:22 
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Joined: 1. Aug 2005, 12:53
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I have to reproduce this on my system.
so the "move folders" is coming when you go into a subfolder?

About the preview. This text cannot be hidden. But you could change the text to an empfy String by modifying the language files

In the \tfu\lang folder are all language files. There you can change the value below:


Best, Michael

PostPosted: 18. May 2016, 22:42 
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Just checked. You have the move option always visible. But it is only enabled in the subfolder. So it is simply active.

But why do you have the same profile for users (=default) and the admins?
If you want different configurations you need different profiles for this group.

Best, Michael

PostPosted: 19. May 2016, 03:45 

Joined: 10. May 2016, 05:18
Posts: 13
Hi Michael,

Thank you for your quick response. Adding the empty string in the language file as workaround to hide the preview text worked!

Regarding the move option, I want to give the admins only 2 options : (1) browse to any subfolders in the root folder and (2) download files from any subfolders. Other options are disallowed (no upload and move options). I need to be able to disable the move option in subfolder. Is there a way to do this?

Regarding why I have the same profile for users (=default) and the admins? I need the admins to be able to see all subfolders in root folder named Group A where the user subfolders are created. My understanding is that this setup, I need to use the same group name when insert JFU. In this case, I used the profile mode (master profile ID 25) to set up the users and group mode (group ID groupA) for the admins. Am I doing it correctly?



PostPosted: 19. May 2016, 12:57 
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Yes you can do this.

You need 2 different profiles. one for the user and a different one for the admins. There you disable the stuff you don't want.
If they have the same group depending on the login the right profile is loaded.

Best, Michael

PostPosted: 19. May 2016, 16:08 

Joined: 10. May 2016, 05:18
Posts: 13
That's what I did. I created 2 different profiles (one was set Master Profile and one was not set Master Profile); however, I name the admin profile same as the default. I'll change the admins profile name.

Regarding deactivating/disabling the move option in subfolders, can you give me instruction to do this? Thanks.

PostPosted: 19. May 2016, 16:59 
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This has nothing to do with subfolders.

move is simply always disabled on the root as the root cannot be moved. only subdirs can. therefore your settings do work if the enty in the menu is completely gone.

Simply try this with the admin profile. there you can check this is in the administration directly.

PostPosted: 20. May 2016, 06:10 

Joined: 10. May 2016, 05:18
Posts: 13
Thank you for your clarification. It seems that JFU functions does not work with the folders inside a subfolder. Can you modify the code so that user/admin cannot move files and folders inside the subfolder?

PostPosted: 20. May 2016, 08:22 
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I don't think this is the problem. I tested e.g. the move - once it is gone is is also gone for subfolders. If you like you can send me a login by e-mail or a pm and I can take a look. But this will be possible on Sunday evening because I'm going to the autria for 2 days.

Best, Michael

PostPosted: 20. May 2016, 19:38 

Joined: 10. May 2016, 05:18
Posts: 13
Hi Michael,

I PM'd you the access information to my website. Thank you taking a look at it.


PostPosted: 24. May 2016, 02:52 

Joined: 10. May 2016, 05:18
Posts: 13
I PM'd you additional information.

PostPosted: 27. May 2016, 05:15 

Joined: 10. May 2016, 05:18
Posts: 13
Thank you Michael. Your fix worked.

PostPosted: 24. Aug 2016, 22:42 
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