I purchased the Professional version of JFUploader.
I configured the profiles as the following: 1. The users whose last name begin with letter A will upload their file in the folder named GroupA. Joomla Menu is Profile ID 25. In this case, user "aguirre" was created. 2. The staff is configured to be able to browse and download files only (no upload or move files/folders). Joomla Menu is Gruppe ID "GroupA". Move/copy file(s) and Move Folders features are disabled (selected "NO") in Registered section. Everything else works, except that staff is still able to move files/folders within the user's folder.
The issue is that when the staff access to root folder named Group A, there is no option to move folder which is what i wants. However, when the staff clicked folder "aguirre", it allows to move folder and if I click a file, it allows to move file. I don't want the staff able to do any of these moving (see pictures). Please assist.
Also, how do I hide word "Preview" which displays above the Options button?
Thank you,
Attachments: |

JFUploader move files-folders greyed out.png [ 14.5 KiB | Viewed 30100 times ]

JFUploader disable move files-folders.png [ 27.81 KiB | Viewed 30100 times ]

Profile settings.png [ 7.82 KiB | Viewed 30100 times ]