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left alignment flash
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Author:  alizoom [ 31. Aug 2016, 06:42 ]
Post subject:  left alignment flash

Hi Michael,

Currently, my JFUploader flash alignment is centered. How do I align it closer to the left?

Also, I believe that I post my question in the wrong forum, but not sure how to change it.

JFUploader flash left alignment.png
JFUploader flash left alignment.png [ 58.04 KiB | Viewed 1056913 times ]

Author:  TinyWebGallery [ 31. Aug 2016, 15:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: left alignment flash

You need to change css styles. The easiest way is to add an additional div that you align right.

Best Michael

Author:  alizoom [ 31. Aug 2016, 21:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: left alignment flash

Thank you your quick response.

Do I edit the jfuploader.css located in the Component folder? If so, which line of code should I look for?



Author:  TinyWebGallery [ 1. Sep 2016, 23:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: left alignment flash

Where is the flash? Administration or in the site?

Best Michael

Author:  alizoom [ 1. Sep 2016, 23:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: left alignment flash

I need to align the flash in the site.


Author:  TinyWebGallery [ 4. Sep 2016, 12:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: left alignment flash

I just checkend my demos. There is no center for the flash.
So you need to check your theme that the is maybe a center somewhere.

Best, Michael

Author:  alizoom [ 4. Sep 2016, 17:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: left alignment flash

Thank you, Michael. You 've very supportive. I need the JFU to display correcty on desktop and small phones such as galaxy s5, s6.... do you have any suggestions? Resizing flash did not make it responsive.


Author:  TinyWebGallery [ 4. Sep 2016, 20:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: left alignment flash

The flash itself is responsive. But in JFU a fixed size is defined. You can only set a different width in the config.

But on smartphones flash is not available. So why do you need any responsivenes here?

Best, Michael

Author:  alizoom [ 5. Sep 2016, 16:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: left alignment flash

I am aware that flash is not available on smartphone. Because I want the users to be able to use JFU on phone. When using 3rd party web browser such as Puffin or Photon, JFU worked perfectly on iPad/Android tablets at 1080 px sizing, but on Galaxy S6 and similar devices it only displayed the server side unless I resize flash to around 580 px. That was too small for large screens such as desktops/laptops.

Can you make JFU dynamically size-able, instead of fixed?


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