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Found Error 8 shown in debug session occasionally.
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Author:  godmel [ 22. Sep 2012, 17:20 ]
Post subject:  Found Error 8 shown in debug session occasionally.

Hi Michael,

May I have your advice for about below error when I click on Top X or in admin console by clicking Extract IPTC to get image update will write the error in debug session and no update found eventually.

ERROR 8 in /volume1/web/twg/inc/, line 974: unserialize(): Error at offset 1473 of 1561 bytes

Thank you.


Author:  TinyWebGallery [ 22. Sep 2012, 23:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Found Error 8 shown in debug session occasionally.

this happens when a cache file get corrupt. But this is detected at this point in the cache file is deleted and recreated.
So nothing to worry about.

I have added a @ there for the next build that the message is not shown anymore.

- Michael

Author:  godmel [ 25. Sep 2012, 10:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Found Error 8 shown in debug session occasionally.

Hi Michael,

Thanks for your update.

By the way, I found some of these newly created album didn't shown in TopX for user comments, view count and download count. Can you tell me how can I fix?

I have checked on album folder permission, debug log and find nothing else.

Please advise.


Author:  TinyWebGallery [ 25. Sep 2012, 11:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Found Error 8 shown in debug session occasionally.

This counts are cached. the settings are this ones:

$precache_background=true; // (true/false) TWG preloads the counter xml of the albums of the first page to speedup the following background tasks (starts 5 sec after 1st page starts to load!) - if you want to speed up the first page on a slow connection: set this to true!
$precache_main_top_x=true; // (true/false) Caches the TopX in tmp files in the cache folder. The cache is eitehr build during the first call or when the background process is started
$precache_main_top_x_limit=2000; // (Number) If your whole gallery has less then the given limit the cache files are NOT used because normally they can be generated fast enough on the fly. Over this limit the _topx_ cache files are used if present or they are generated!
$precache_main_top_x_interval=4; // (Number) This is the time interval in hours the topx caches are deleted and new numbers are fetched - if you set -1 then the cache is connected to the one day caching - max value therefore is 24 ; This time is used for the autogeneration of top x folder images cecause it is linked to the topx
$precache_topx_additional_dirs=''; // (String) By default only the main topx is precached. If you want to cache subdirs too please add this dirs here as comma seperated list. e.g. for the 2 folders 'davos' and '2007/vacation' the enty has to be: 'davos,2007/vacation'

Best, Michael

Author:  godmel [ 25. Sep 2012, 12:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Found Error 8 shown in debug session occasionally.

Will check this out and thank you Michael.

Author:  TinyWebGallery [ 14. Jan 2020, 16:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Found Error 8 shown in debug session occasionally.

You are welcome

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