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image.txt texts not shown on the phone
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Author:  Andra [ 24. Feb 2020, 14:02 ]
Post subject:  image.txt texts not shown on the phone

I have image.txt file with records in the form:
NameSurname-k2.jpg=Name Surname, 1994

When I open the page on the desktop, my text is shown above the image, it's ok. When I open the page on the phone, there is no my text, instead, the filename without ".jpg" is shown below the image. Why the filename?

Author:  TinyWebGallery [ 26. Feb 2020, 19:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: image.txt texts not shown on the phone

You have to check the settings in the config_internal.php there are many mobile settings.

But I don't remember that there is a mobile option for the image.txt...

Do you have a url ?

Best, Michael

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