I would like to discuss retaining you to get this iframe thing working. I'm not having any success. Would you kindly reply to me off list at sselip@principalconsultingllc.com to discuss retention and rates? The web page I want to embed is http://islandslowp.bbstats.pointstreak.com/standings.html?leagueid=951. Without the embed, it displays ok on mobile devices, but is not stylistically appealing. My efforts are to embed it, cut out the unattractive headings, and have it scroll horizontally on iPhone and native Android browsers.
Thank you,
By the way, the only thing working the way I want it to so far is chrome on my Samsung Galaxy s5. I'm using this short code, and the 100% for width is necessary, or there is no horizontal scrolling.
[advanced_iframe securitykey="fa125e1276ec88c24847311636ece0f044a93aab" use_shortcode_attributes_only="true" src="http://islandslowp.bbstats.pointstreak.com/standings.html?leagueid=951" id="advanced_iframe" height="2000" width="100%" scrolling="auto" show_part_of_iframe="true" show_part_of_iframe_x="22" show_part_of_iframe_y="200" show_part_of_iframe_height="1700" show_part_of_iframe_width="100%" show_part_of_iframe_zoom="true" show_iframe_loader="true" enable_ios_mobile_scolling="true" browser="mobile"]