License enhancement in TWG/TFU/JFU

Hi, if someone has a problem with his existing license after updating to the lastest version please update again because the new license check implementation was not working for multi domain licenses. The new detection does now automatically allow an additional www in front of a subdomain. e.g. you registered: * then, … … [Read more…]

TWG 1.7.8 is now released

Hi, TWG 1.7.8 is now finally released. You find everything you need to know on the updated homepage: Details about the new features are here: Have fun using TWG, Michael

Small update of 1.7.8

Hi, Since some users already use 1.7.8 I get some feedback for this version too. Until now only very small issues have been found and I have fixed them all in the latest build. A user has posted a improvement that is not enough php memory is available TWG tries to increase it by itself. … [Read more…]

Video tutorials available for JFU!

Hi, You not sure how to use JFU? Profiles? Groups? … The new video tutorials cover common scenarios. The following tutorials are available: Installation Profiles Groups Plugin and Javascript callbacks The tutorials can be found here. The tutorials where made in cooperation Screen Capture ( Have fun using them – Michael